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  • lfreas

Out and about on the Outer Banks: Currituck Lighthouse

Updated: May 28, 2023

Last visited: 11/2022

We stayed at Barrier Island Station

So, at is cool about Currituck? Several things. First, you will need to stop and see the lighthouse. The views from up above are fabulous, and worth the chance of a heart attack from climbing the 220 steps. It is distinctive because it is the only lighthouse in North Carolina that is unpainted. It was commissioned by the government to help protect an area of coast approximately 40 miles long, called a "dark space". This was important because the Outer Banks are notorious for shifting sand shoals that would make ships regularly run aground. The "Graveyard of the Atlantic" has a ghost fleet estimated to count as high as 3,000 ships laying off the coast of the island. These range from ships of the earliest of settlers to more modern boats including U-Boats from WWII and a reproduction of the HMS Bounty that sunk during Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

Currituck Lighthouse is privately owned by private conservation group, so an admittance is charged to help with upkeep. Find more information here:

Looking up the staircase

Stewie finally gets the courage to climb the steps
At the top views overlooking the Whale Head Club house (large home next to the sound). At one time it is estimated hundreds of thousands of birds would stop here during migrations, making it a prime hunting location.

Panoramic view at the top. No, the railing does not actually warp like that

Down at the bottom, feeling the burn from the climb
Stewie's first visit



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